What to Include on Shampoo Bottle Labels

Whether you want to create your own unique shampoo bottle label or you want to have a label professionally designed for your product, there are certain basic requirements to meet.

Because shampoo labeling falls under the purview of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, there are guidelines you need to adhere to, which are summarized below.

Product Identity

Under this category, the label must contain the name—or brand— of the product.

It must also contain the intended use, either in text or graphic form. For example, the label could say “shampoo,” or it could contain an image of a person washing their hair.

Marketer Identity

Inside an information panel—or area—of the label, there needs to be the name and address of the entity that is marketing the product. The nature of the marketer must also be disclosed here. For instance, if the marketer is not the maker, or the marketer is only the distributor, it might read, “Distributed by….for….” Otherwise, it would read, “Manufactured by…” or simply bear the name of the company.

If the street address of the marketer is readily available online or in a directory, then only the city and state are necessary to appear as the address.

Finally, if the contents are imported, the country of origin must appear in this information panel.

Product Amount

The label must say how much is in the unit in appropriate and accurate measures. Because shampoo is most often in liquid form, this would require a unit measured in ounces (or pounds and ounces). This particular information must appear on the lower front part of the label, in a readable-sized font that is commensurate with the size of the container.


The list of ingredients is called the Ingredient Declaration. This list must be in a conspicuous area of the label with letters not less than 1/16” in height, or not less than 1/32” in height if the total package surface is less than 12 square inches.

Ingredients must be listed in descending order, with the most abundant ingredients listed first. However, any ingredients that are present at 1% or less can be listed anywhere in the ingredient list. For example, if the shampoo contains a special, rare oil, that can be listed first in order to draw attention to it. The same holds true of color additives.

The names used for the ingredients must be in compliance with established names or those adopted by regulation. Ingredients that are exempted by the FDA from public disclosure can be listed as “other” ingredients.


If, for some reason, the shampoo can be hazardous if used incorrectly, this needs to be included on the label. The text should be large enough to be easily read, and should follow a bolded “Warnings” header.

Instructions For Use

You should include instructions on how to use the product successfully. This part should include how much to use for each “shampoo session.” This is a good place to suggest ancillary products that you sell, such as hair conditioner. For instance, you could say, “for maximum results, follow up with “such and such conditioner” brand.

Extra Information to Include

Lastly, you will also want to include information on your shampoo label that encourages consumers to purchase your product over your competitors. The wording must be compliant with federal laws, the most important of which is not to make unwarranted claims.

For instance, you shouldn’t say on the label that the shampoo will make you look more beautiful or will change your life. However, you can say that the shampoo will make your hair shiny, clean or fresh smelling, etc.

White Graphics is Here to Help

Let White Graphics be your product label partner. Get in touch today to find out all the ways we can help prepare your product for selling.